Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Blog Post #1

My 5 Top Sources of News and Information 

    You’ll see a pattern throughout this blog, as a majority of my information comes from Instagram or YouTube. This is simply because it is where I spend the most time, and quite frankly don’t delicate my energy towards watching or reading the news. I am very much a visual learner.

1.) @foxnews Instagram 

       The first news source I get information from is Fox News. They post many times a day so it is very relevant on my feed. I’ve grown up with the news always on in my house, and this is what we watch. I like the conservative, contrarian view of Fox as they do not over hype the government. They call out what is unconstitutional and I really appreciate that. What is also cool about their instagram, is they have a link in their bio that allows you to click on a particular photo from their page that interests you, and it will take you to the full article. Fox’s instagram is great because it is very broad in that they cover local, state, and country news. This is very diverse and allows me to see the awesome things that Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida, for example.

2.) @prageru Instagram

    PragerU has a great instagram as well. They have a variety of young scholars with ranging backgrounds in their studies. They have a similar God, Family, Country value system that keeps me coming back to learn. I really like their short, but informational videos from these young individuals, as I do not have a very long attention span. 

3.) @officialbenshapiro Instagram

    Ben Shapiro has so many platforms to share his knowledge, but I most frequent his instagram. It is more personal than his podcast or YouTube, which I like because I just enjoy him as a person. He is incredibly knowledgeable and carries himself in a way that I wish I could. Although he has a funny voice, I can look past it to gain insight. 

4.) @libertarianmiami Instagram

    A much less serious place I get some information from is @libertarianmiami. This is just a dude with a conservative, libertarian view on the country, but he makes it light with his sense of humor. I was first introduced to this page by a super close family friend, and I really look up to him, so I followed the page. I’m super glad I did though because it is a mix of some serious and some humorous news. I can appreciate that he has a small following, as he is clearly not getting paid or funded by anyone to say anything. This page and similar communities on Reddit are some of the only people I trust because they are just real people with no hidden agendas. A great place to practice the First Amendment!

5.) @ITM TRADING, INC Youtube

    The same family friend that introduced me to the page above, is huge on the precious metals market. When you love and respect someone, you tend to take their word very highly and that is the case for me. He has forwarded me a majority of emails on the news and markets in the world of precious metals. One particular page I continually learn so much from is ITM Trading with Lynette Zang. What a brilliant women who has been involved in the markets since 1964. For over 3 decades she has studied the world currencies and demonstrated the similarities. All fiat currencies in history have failed. Studying the economy and the current trillions of dollars being printed out of thin air, she talks about the importance of real money and wealth preservation. 

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